Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A visit to daddy's hometown, Mukah

We planned to go to Mukah today to visit the Daddy's family hotel. Daddy has not been there for quite sometime already.

On the way to Mukah town, we pass by the Kingwood Resort. It's a new hotel here. So, we drive into the hotel for a drink.

Me, mommy and Aunty Ah Ting by the side oh the beach. The wind here is so strong.

Me and daddy are posing for a good picture.

The family photo........

Now, we continue our journey to the Mukah town. This is the new bridge that built to replace the ferry that used for the pass years to cross the river.

Here we are, my daddy's family hotel that located in the old town near the river.

We look for daddy's fren for a drink and a chat. Then, we go for a ride......

We find out a road with a very special name. Haha..... Jalan Orang Kaya Setiaraja. That's a very long name.

Our hotel is full today, no room to stay overnight. So, we have to head back to Sibu tonight. The road is too bumpy, and it makes all of us dizzy. It's really a very long day today. But.... I'm very happy and enjoy ourselves.

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