Sunday, October 15, 2006

Kiddy Place....

Mommy found out there's a baby's store called Kiddy Place at Marina Square. So tonight daddy & mommy brought me there to look for some new clothes and toys.

Kiddy Place was really a wonderful place for a baby like me. I got a chance to try all those big toys there.

Look at the Pooh Pooh! This is my favourite. I was bouncing up and down....So excited! I must get one of this when I'm about two years old.

This is a exersaucer. There's all kind of toys around me. But It's too far away for me to touch and play with.

This is a swing, something like the one I have at home. But it's now too big for me. Daddy, have you finish taking the photo? Daddy.... faster! I'm so scared.

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